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Rapsodo Insights – See Your Game Like Never Before

Have you ever hit your 7-iron at the driving range toward a specific target and wondered how close you were actually getting with each of your shots? Do you ever feel like your 7-iron and 8-iron carry the same distance during a range session?

Every week on the PGA Tour, we watch professionals tweak their swings and look at their numbers on a launch monitor. They have a full team of professionals at their disposal to help them digest the data and dial in their numbers so they can feel confident and go low each week.

With the launch of Insights, we aim to help you gain more confidence in your game! At the highest level, Insights turns your launch data into game improvement by delivering personalized, data-driven insights to help you understand your game. Get more out of each practice session by identifying trends in your performance and take your game from the range to the course with actionable takeaways - all without a data science degree.

Introducing Session Insights

We’ve divided Insights into three different categories that all successful golfers focus on: Accuracy, Distance, and Consistency. Within each category, we show a Summary that displays all clubs used during the session and Club Analysis that allows you to dive deeper into each individual club.


Session Dispersion

Dispersion Index

Everyone wants to be more accurate. To hit more greens and avoid hazards. But most players don’t have a sense of their shortest and longest distances. Or how far right or left they hit each club. With Dispersion, we’ve provided a visual representation to show you how far apart your furthest and shortest shots are (vertical dispersion) and the distance between your furthest right and furthest left shot (lateral dispersion). For each session, the ellipse represents the expected result if you were to hit another shot with your selected club – the more shots you hit with each club, the more confident you can be in your landing area.

We’ve also provided a Dispersion Index (%) to help provide context on how your dispersion compares to the average dispersion of a player in your selected handicap range (HCR) and a PGA Tour player. If your Dispersion Index is higher than that of your handicap range, you are excelling with that club. If it’s lower, that’s a great club to work on during your next session.


Club Gapping

Smash Factor Optimization

To get the most out of your current clubs, it’s important to understand your club gapping. This can determine whether you need to get fit for a new set of irons, or if there are specific distances you should avoid when laying up. Once you’ve determined your distances, you can begin to optimize launch angle and smash factor. Most people are leaving distance on the table even while maintaining their current swing speed. The pros are consistently monitoring their gaps and optimizing their numbers to get the most out of their swing – you should too.


Ball Striking Index

Performance Distribution

Now that you’ve learned more about how accurate you are and how far you hit the ball, it’s time to build consistency. Within the Consistency section, you’ll learn about your most frequent shot shape for each club, and how you shaped the ball overall during a specific session. With the Ball Striking Index, you’ll see how often you get within 5% of your maximum ball speed during a specific session and how often you were within 1.5 degrees of your average launch angle. Building a consistent shape and ball striking will allow you to trust your decisions on the course.

We also provide a Performance Distribution graph for a variety of metrics to give a deeper look into how your numbers fluctuate during the session. If you look at club speed and see you achieved 95 mph 25% of the session and 90 mph 75% of the session, you’ll see how fast you typically swing and what speed you can work towards maintaining in future sessions.

Insights is a feature available to Premium users on the Rapsodo MLM app. Our goal is to not only provide golfers with accurate data but to help them understand their data and provide them with the insights to get better faster.

Download the latest app update on your iOS device to view your Insights and start your game improvement journey today.

Learn more about the award-winning Rapsodo Mobile Launch Monitor.

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By Rapsodo Golf

With an unwavering passion for the game and data-driven insights, we're here to inspire and elevate your Golf journey through articles that help you find improvement and excellence.