Golf Learning Center
The Rapsodo Golf Learning Center will help you get the most out of your Rapsodo MLM2PRO™ and Rapsodo Mobile Launch Monitor (MLM) .
Getting Started

iOS 14 or higher
iPadiPad 2017 (5th Generation) and up (must support 1080p)
Android10.0 Android Operating System or higher (API level 29)
Compatible with phones and tablets
Device must natively support Google Play Store

Mobile Launch Monitor (MLM)
iPhone 7 and upRecommended iPhone 8 and up
iPadiPad 2017 and up (must support 1080p)
Net Mode iPhoneiPhone 8th Gen and up
iPadiPad Pro:
iPad Pro 11"-1st Gen and up
iPad Pro:
iPad Pro 12.9"-2nd Gen and up
iPad Air:
iPad Air 3rd Gen and up
iPad Mini:
iPad Mini 5th Gen and upiPad:
iPad 9th Gen and up
Min. Requirement: iOS 13
Recommended: Latest iOS Version